Mobility Amalfi Coast Bus: Positano, Nocelle, Praiano

Yes, it does run all year round between Nocelle and Positano. Expand the 1st October - 30th of October 2021 section for the schedule from last year to get an idea.

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 13th of September - 30th of September 2022 period.

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 1st of November 2022 - 31st of March 2023 period.

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 1st of April 2023 - 11th of June 2023 period.

Hi, I re-all from a different post that the bus often comes earlier than is scheduled if there is no traffic.

Do you know if this is true? How far ahead of the bus time do you recommend getting to our stop to wait for the bus?

I don’t think that happens that often to be honest. The driver will slow down to meet the route’s schedule. 5-10 minutes will do.

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 12th of June 2023 - 12th of September 2023 period.

Hi Dan, which is the closest bus stop to the ferry terminal in Positano? Many thanks.

The closest is actually right where it starts in Piazza dei Mulini besides the Chiesa Santa Maria del Rosario (a church). 350 meters or 7 minutes from the beach. With the crowds and the steps it will take a bit longer though.

Thank you, and on the way back down from Nocelle is it the Fornillo stop? We are staying in Nocelle and we’ll need to catch the bus down to positano, then catch a ferry to Capri. We’ll have luggage so we’d like to get off at the closest stop to the terminal. Thanks Dan

In your case, coming down from Nocelle, you need to get off at the last stop.

This may be a silly question, but for the Internal Positano Bus, I hear it “loops” around the city but I’m also seeing Terminal Prisco is the end of the line. If I want to get from Chiesa Nuova to Sponda, do I need to get off at Terminal Prisco or can I stay on the bus as it makes its way to Sponda? Thanks so much!

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 13th of September 2023 to 30th of September 2023 period.

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 1st of October 2023 to 31st of October 2023 period.

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 1st of November 2023 to 7th of January 2024 period.

Updated the original post with the new schedule for the 10th of June 2024 to 30th of September 2024 period.

Is it expected for the Interno Positano bus to ignore requested stops that are not on the schedule? We have had an issue where several times within the last three days one of the younger drivers has skipped several stops that we get picked up at on this route in favor of stopping at one of the scheduled stops further away.

Have you signaled to him to stop? If nobody inside the bus requested the next stop and nobody in the station signals him to stop, the bus will just continue ahead.

Yes we had requested a stop using the button each time.